Making Mission after the Model of Christ

International Annual Conference


Rural Mission in History and Today

The 8th edition of the international conference Making Mission after the Model of Christ will be dedicated to mission in rural area in history and today.

Sibiu, Romania

Making Mission after the Model of Christ. Rural Mission in History and Today

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church dedicated the year of 2019 to Romanian village and to proficient priests, teachers and mayors from rural areas. The 8th edition of the international conference Making Mission after the Model of Christ will be dedicated to mission in rural area in history and today. Romanian village faces crisis: dramatic demographic decrease, lack of qualified teaching and medical personal, old infrastructure, lack of a coherent and long standing developing plan are only a few of the major challenges of Romanian rural area. Parishes are key institutions of Romanian villages and are directly affected by this situation. Participants at the international conference are invited to present papers on how rural mission today could be consolidated, on rural mission in church history, on runing missionary projects in rural areas in romania and abroad or on any other theme related with the sub-theme of the conference.

Sibiu, the city hosting of the International Making Mission Conference

We invite you to submit your text (abstract) !